ヨルダンの最新農業事情。都市農業がアツい!Agriculture Exhibition at Amman②(ヨルダン・りん)

Farm Report Vol.3 Urban Agriculture Exhibition at Amman【English follows】









この2つのシステムを組み合わせることで、1.水生動物の排泄物が植物の栄養となり、2. 植物が水をろ過して水生動物の水槽に戻す、という効率的なサイクルを実現。


  • 水生動物の例:魚やカタツムリ、エビなど。
  • 組み合わせる水耕栽培の例:葉物野菜、ハーブ、イチゴなどがおすすめ。土を使った作物と同様に、アクアポニックスでの作物にはpHや栄養素の相性がある。
  • 材料:水(植物の根に栄養分を供給するため)、泥炭・火山岩・ロックウールなどの材料(根を物理的に支えるため)、水槽、バイオフィルターなど





Aquaponics アクアポニックス

Aquaponics - Soilless Agriculture

Aquaponic systems grow plants in soilless installations. Water is the main carrier to supply nutrients to the roots of the plants, while other materials such as peat, volcanic rock and rockwool can be used to provide physical support for the roots.

By circulating water through the system, the roots of the plants are provided with nutrient-rich water and oxygen. The nutrients can come from different sources. In conventional systems this includes, but is not limited to, compost tea, and organic or chemical fertiliser. 

Aquaponic systems combine hydroponics with aquaculture - the process of raising aquatic animals, such as fish, snails or prawns. In a tank, in conventional aquaculture, the accumulation of the animal’s waste in the water increases the toxicity and brings about the need to filter the water, resulting in a wasteful by-product. In aquaponics, the water from agriculture is fed to a hydroponic system, in general, the aquaculture basin containing the animals is followed by a setting basin to remove fine particles and a biofilter where bacteria can grow that convert ammonia into nitrates. These nitrates are nutrients for the plants.

The combination of both systems results in an efficient technique where the by-products of the aquatic animals provide nutrients for the plants, and the plants filter the water which returns back to the aquaculture basin. The result is a harvest of fish and vegetables.

Similar to soil-based crops, soilless grown plants have pH and nutrient preferences that are integrally incorporated in the design of every system and its nutrient composition. 

The biggest benefit of soilless agriculture is its reduction in water consumption and space usage. It can save up to 90% of water used for the same crop size compared to regular agriculture techniques. 






実例「Seed to Eat」(下記写真)

  • 素材:リサイクルされたポリスチレン、セメント

このおしゃれなオブジェは「Seed to Eat」という名前で、エアロポニックスを用いて果物、野菜、ハーブを有機的に栽培するために設計された、先進的な農業装置。従来の栽培方法に比べて必要な水の量が75%も節約できる。各タワーにつき4家族が1年中食料が得られるように設計されている。




Aeroponics - Soilless Agriculture

Aeroponic systems grow plants in soilless installations, The main difference with hydroponics and aquaponics is the absence of a growing medium to support the plant. Water is the main carrier to supply the required nutrients to the roots of the plants. In an aeroponic system, the plants are grown in a closed or semi-closed environment, in which the lower stem and roots are suspended. These parts of the plants are sprayed with a nutrient-rich water solution. while the leaves and crown remain in the visible part of the installation. Hence, the roots are not exposed to or submerged in a flowing water source, but are hanging inside the structure and are nourished with water, oxygen and nutrients through misting.


Seed to Eat

Recycled polystyrene and cement

Seed to Eat is a technologically advanced agricultural installation designed to organically grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The parametric modular structure houses pods where fruits, vegetables, and herbs can grow. Plants are nurtured through an aeroponic system. As a result, it requires 75% less water than traditional growing methods. Each tower is sustainable, modular, and designed to feed four families all year around.





Poring water from a grey pipe 灰色のパイプから水を注ぐ







Wicking Bed

A wicking bed is a type of sub-irrigated growing container. It is designed with an enclosed reservoir at the bottom. Instead of watering the growing-medium from above, water is added to the reservoir through a pipe at the side of the container. Water from the reservoir moves upwards through the soil via capillary action. Using this irrigation technique, combined with mulching, heavily reduces water wastage and evaporation at the surface

Depending on the type of crops, the microclimate and the season, the water reservoir needs to be filled every two to four weeks, making this type of growing container amazingly efficient and low-maintenance. An overflow is added to prevent the soil from being drenched, which can cause rot at the roots or kill essential bacteria in the soil.

The options for making a wicking bed vary widely, and it can be created using new or upcycled wood, buckets, bathtubs, and storage boxes.







Pigeon Tower






Pigeon Tower

The Urban Pigeon Tower is an urban acupuncture intervention that touches on issues of urban biodiversity and sustainable food production within cities. A modern structure that can be installed anywhere in the city, the pigeon tower is a small-scale food production system, a valuable resource for soil building and crop production, and a gateway to nature that aims to expand our urban compassion footprint and rewild the city as a rich multi-species ecosystem.
In many cities around the world, pigeons are part of daily life. They can be found on rooftops, in parks and public squares, on street lights, or circling in flocks above the skyline. Yet, urban wildlife is declining fast in the absence of proper plans for urban conservation, and pigeons, along with other birds, are increasingly losing nesting location as cities default to glass and steel.
Pigeon droppings help in building nutrient-rich soil, limit greenhouse gas emissions, and protect groundwater, rivers, and oceans from nitrate contamination. Many cultures see pigeon droppings as the primary reason for raising pigeons, harvesting and applying it to various crops and food growing systems.
To improve the urban ecology and the liveability of our cities, it is crucial to bring animals back into the realm of city planning and urban agriculture. Rewilding the city into a rich, multi-species ecosystem addresses urban ecology, animal rights and urban biodiversity. Its tangible scope spans fields of architecture, urban agriculture, permaculture, and animal systems design. 








Urban hives

Urban Hives

While large green areas in cities are becoming more rare, smaller public gardens are also disappearing due to the rampant construction of large real estate projects. Urban hives proposes to reintroduce the garden in parking lots (and potentially other public hard-surfaced spaces), where the space can both be used to grow food for the neighborhood and provides an important pollination spot for urban bees. Bees play a crucial role in the maintenance of our ecosystem, but are at increasingly risk of extinction.

The proposed car-sized lightweight, modular, scaffolded structure, is erected at car height, providing a shaded area beneath and a garden above. Each module is low-cost and can be multiplied to create a site specific communal garden.




