日だまりとお茶と。Boyoudha Village見学記録(ヨルダン・りん)

Farm Report Vol. 4 Boyoudha Village in Jordan







アンマンより西のAs-salt (サルト)。





今回行くのはBoyoudha Village。アンマン・パーマカルチャー・エキシビション(下記リンク参照)でお茶を売ってたところ。オーガニックの美味しいマラミーヤ(セージティー)を買った。

As-salt, west of Amman.

This time I went to Boyoudha Village, where they were selling organic tea at the Amman Permaculture Exhibition (see the previous blog).










のんびりしすぎました。Boyoudha Villageで中心的に活動する女性とようやく合流。その方もご近所さんとバルコニーでお茶をしていたみたい。いい時間の流れだな。


We got lost on the way to reach the farm and ended up in the wrong house (but found it was their relative's house). The woman opened the door and seemed to say (because I did not fully understand Arabic), "Well, just sit down," and kindly invited us to tea with freshly picked zathar from her garden. 

While enjoying the zathar tea, I recognized the countless olive trees around the house. Olive trees do not need to take care besides cutting branch and weeds, she said. Even watering is not required because rain water is enough to grow them. Two thousand olives can be picked from their farm and they are brought to the oil press which is near the farm. The family sells the olive oil to Jordanian family.


Olive tree planted next to their house



豊かな土壌づくり/Creating rich soil

①動物と共につくる/With animals

チキントラクター/Chiken tractors



If you release chickens where you want to make good soil, they will scratch and till the soil with their feet (this is known as chicken tractors). With the help of animals, work can be done efficiently. They also produce eggs for food and what's more, they are adorable.



ハトも飼育している。Farm Report Vol.4で紹介したピジョンタワーのように、堆肥のために飼育する。また食用としても。ハトは特別な世話が必要ないらしいので、人間の負担も大きくない。

Pigeons are also kept for compost, as in the Pigeon Tower described in Farm Report Vol. 4 and for food. Pigeons apparently do not require special care, so the burden on humans is small.





Goats make manure as well. Different animals make different components of compost, which is why they are used differently I suppose.

生ごみではなくコンポスト/Not waste, but composting


Composting is a method of turning food into fertiliser instead of throwing it away as rubbish. There are cases of rotting and insect infestation, but if the food can be fermented properly, there is no smell and no insect infestation. Here, black sheets are used to collect sunlight so that the decomposition of the microorganisms can proceed.



It also has uses other than composting.  They make dried pomegrenates powdered and turned into oil, which can be used as a stomach remedy. It seems the effects of pomegranates on health controversial...but I'm very curious to learn more about the nutrition. It would be great to be able to use them in a variety of ways if you harvest more than you eat.

③土質を変えるカバークロップ/Cover crop changes the soil quality



Cover crops are a technique where crops are used primarily to prevent soil erosion and nutrient loss, rather than for harvesting. Here, they are experimenting to see what changes in soil quality occur when the acidity of the soil is increased by a pomegranate cover crop.


環境配慮の育成法/Environmentally friendly cultivation methods

コンパニオンプランツ/Companion plants


Companion plants is planting certain combinations of plants together (e.g. chives x tomatoes) to make them less likely to attract insects. This technique is an alternative to pesticides such as insecticides. Pesticides are convenient, but they deplete the soil and are not a sustainable method.

companion plants





In this region of 17 villages, a law banning the use of pesticides was created by the local people. It's incredible that they decided on their own that the best way to protect the natural environment. This spirit of self-government is way too progressive...! 😮

The woman further says, "Monsanto may be valued in the US, but here we value the environment. That's why we don't use Monsanto seeds and we don't use pesticides. We don't have to depend on them, but we can make good choices for the environment with a little ingenuity."


⑤廃棄物がマルチに生まれ変わる/Waste transforming into multi


Mulch is a method of covering soil with weeds and other materials to prevent soil drying and weed growth. Here, leaves from trees pruned in urban areas in Jordan were taken before they were thrown away and reused as mulch. This kind of urban linkage is also attractive.

reused multi

⑥自然浄化装置/Natural Purification System

家庭用排水を浄化する仕組み。Farm report vol.1で紹介したように、大きめの石からだんだん小さい石を敷き詰めるようにしていくと、それがフィルターの機能を果たしてくれる。この水を水やりにリユース。降水量の少ない乾燥地帯のヨルダンでは、水を無駄にせずに最大限活用することが本当に重要。

A system for purifying domestic wastewater, as described in Farm report vol. 1, by gradually laying down smaller and smaller stones from larger stones, which then act as a filter. This water is then reused for watering. In Jordan, an arid region with low rainfall, it is really important to make the best use of water without wasting it.

graywater filter

生産物の管理/Management of Productions

⑦食品の保存/Food Strage

乾燥オクラ/Dry Okra for winter



Jordan is dry and at first glance does not seem to be suitable for agriculture, but the woman says, “Drying is also thing” and can be advantage. Such an attitude is impressive😳✨ She says that some of the okra harvested is stockpiled as food for the winter.

drying okra

⑧地域での販売/Local market

Villageの製品/Products from this village


Honey, jam, vinegar, tea, etc.  Approximately 50 farmers in the area jointly produce these products. They sometimes barter their products within the community!

products from this farm

自然との向き合い方/Live with nature

This is very symbolic.





An ant is carrying a grain of barley. It looks a loss, but the woman misses it, saying that it is fine as it is. On this farm, the attitude was not anthropocentric, but rather they always ask themselves whether this will benefit the environment and the community or not. Increased profit for oneself alone is not a goal here. The women said that there is an option to receive funding from 'big institutions', including international organisations, to farm, but 'we don't make that choice'. Rather than taking part in plans by 'big institutions' to increase their 'economic richness', they wanted to value more the richness of the natural environment that surrounds them and the richness of their social relationships.

If you want to support a farm in an arid and poor region, why not propose a method of permaculture? So I wrote this plan and presented it at Tobitate, and then many people said it was interesting, and some even said I should consider export to expand the market.

During my stay in Jordan, I happened to meet an organic farmer. What was being done there was exactly permaculture. But they did not adopt permaculture from abroad (permaculture is an English word in the first place). They said that they were practising what had originally been passed down to them as wisdom from their ancestors, and that it just happened to coincide with permaculture. I was trying to teach them eroquently something there, as a menber of "well-orderd society", rather than learning from them. Without knowing what 'profit', 'richness', 'wealth' meant there.



Lunch on the balcony:)
